Number of new immigrants grows 24.4% in Brazil in ten years

In ten years, there was a 24.4% increase in the annual number of new immigrants registered in Brazil, with Venezuelan, Haitian and Colombian immigrations being the main responsible for the increase. The data were released by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security this Tuesday (7).
Currently 1.3 million immigrants reside in Brazil. In ten years, from 2011 to 2020, the largest flows were from Venezuela, Haiti, Bolivia, Colombia and the United States. The number of new refugees recognized annually in the country went from 86, in 2011, to 26,500 in 2020. Requests for recognition of refugee status also increased, from around 1,400, in 2011, to 28, 8 thousand in 2020.
The data are part of the project “2011-2020: A decade of challenges for immigration and refuge in Brazil” and were produced by the Observatory of International Migration (OBMigra), a partnership between the Ministry of Justice and Public Security and the University of Brasília (UnB ). The reports are available on the immigration portal .
work and education
Immigrants also occupied more jobs in the Brazilian market. In 2011 there were 62,423 and, in 2020, 181,358. From 2019 to 2020, the jobs created for immigrants and refugees in the formal market increased from 21.4 thousand to 24.1 thousand. An increase of 12.7%. The state of Santa Catarina was the one that created the most jobs.
The number of immigrant students enrolled in the basic education system in Brazil increased from 41,916 in 2010 to 41,916 in 2020.
Between 2011 and 2020, recognition of refugee status by the National Committee for Refugees (Conare) focused on Venezuelan (46,412 recognitions), Syrian (3,594 recognitions) and Congolese (1,050 recognitions) nationalities.
With information from the Ministry of Justice and Public Security
Text translated using artificial intelligence.