Rádio Nacional debuts network programming with a modern musical profile

With a repertoire that privileges the talents of modern Brazilian music and interaction with the listener, Rádio Nacional debuts new network programming this Monday (6/12). The public broadcaster that is part of Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC) seeks to reach a wider audience with the growth of its digital presence.
From Monday to Friday, quality music and information are combined with journalistic entries every 10 minutes. Highlights for music tracks with a profile that values national genres and artists from the new MPB and contemporary Brazilian pop.
The rescue of radio soap operas is another special attraction. The first will be A Vidente eo Vigarista , at 9 pm. Football is also part of the broadcasts of sports events and in traditional programs such as Bate Bola Nacional and No Mundo da Bola .
Participation through WhatsApp, presence in digital streaming platforms such as Spotify , broadcasts on YouTube and the launch of the radio's profile on Instagram seek to contribute to attracting listeners. The public can get in touch during the station's programming through text messages via WhatsApp (61) 99989-1201.
"The objective is to explore a new audience for the EBC's public stations" explains the executive manager of radio stations, Luciano Seixas. The content can still be seen on the EBC Radios app, available for free in Android and iOS versions.
National Radio Network
The consolidation of the Rádio Nacional network is one of the achievements of this year. In addition to the traditional 96.1 MHz FM frequency in Brasília, the station gained a presence in four other Brazilian capitals in May, in the so-called extended band, on 87.1 FM, in Rio de Janeiro, which is still on AM, and in São Paulo, Belo Horizonte and Recife. Now, content goes live on the network.
Luciano Seixas says that one of the goals for 2022 is to expand the network's reach by expanding to new capitals. The executive manager also points out that Nacional is preparing more news for next year with the debut of comedy attractions, the strengthening of radio drama with unprecedented works, the offer of more space for regional productions and the new programming for the weekends.
Despite being broadcast on the network, Nacional 's new programming respects local aspects of its audience. For this reason, the broadcaster maintains the transmissions of productions from the squares at certain times parallel to the network's content.
Attractions known to the listener from Rio de Janeiro, such as the National Panel , Revista Rio and Musishow , are aired in Rio de Janeiro, while programs such as Templo do Rock , Projeto Brasília , Na Trilha da História and Alma Blues have their place in the federal capital.
music content
Regarding the musical profile, stars of the new generation that shake the streaming platforms gain space on the network with hits by artists such as Melim, Anavitória, Vitor Kley, Tiago Iorc and Duda Beat. For the manager of Rádio Nacional , Daniel Henrique, the proposal is to offer the best for the listener.
" National intends to package the history of Brazilian music based on the evolution and musical transformations in the country. Show its essence by allying young people to those who have built this trajectory", he says, citing personalities from different eras such as Elis Regina, Roberta Campos and the duo Ana Vitoria.
Daniel Henrique points out the encouragement of interaction between announcers and listeners in the range from 6 am to 10 pm as one of the main contributions of the station's new schedule. During the day, Nacional will broadcast various music segments, punctual journalism entries and sports content.
The station manager indicates the repercussion of the program Eu de Cá, Você de Lá , broadcast to part of the network, from 8 pm onwards. The production brings a relaxed conversation with the listener, daily stories, reports, public service news and exchange of messages. The music selection encompasses popular music classics.
Rescue of radio soap operas
From historical material preserved in the EBC collection, Rádio Nacional broadcasts plots of radio drama that marked an era. Among the recovered productions are Francisco Alves, Rei da Voz , by Nilton Valério, and A Vidente eo Vigarista by Amaral Gurgel, radio soap opera chosen for the premiere of the track, which airs from Monday to Friday, at 9 pm, at around 15 minutes long.
According to Luciano Seixas, the initiative recognizes the relevance of the company's assets. "On the eve of 100 years of the first radio broadcast in the country, in 2022, Nacional rescues historical works from its very rich collection to further enhance the broadcaster's programming", defines the executive manager.
Launched over four decades ago, on December 11, 1980, the radio soap opera A Vidente eo Vigarista brings together the essential elements for a good plot. With 186 chapters, the story involves a love triangle and social dramas, as well as a sprinkling of unusual events. The cast includes artists such as Domicio Costa, Maralise, Carmem Dolores, Amélia Ferreira and Carlos Leão.
The plot follows the young and naive Nadir who leaves the countryside to study ballet in São Paulo, where she falls in love with pianist Ernesto. The bad character disappears and leaves the girl pregnant. After giving birth, she travels to Europe in search of her lover, but meets Alex and a new passion begins. Nadir transforms into the seer Nadja and various intrigues arise from the love triangle that is formed.
The EBC Collection Manager, Maria Carnevale, points out the importance of the radio soap opera in Nacional 's new programming. "The rescue of a program of this nature allows listeners to have contact, once again, with a genre of radio drama that marked an era and survived the advent of television in Brazil until the mid-1980s", he recalls.
She highlights aspects that stand out in the work. "This radio soap opera is 40 years old and will touch the affective memory of a large part of Rádio Nacional audience. In addition to rescuing a form of entertainment and sharpening the imagination of listeners with the plot, it serves as a source of research for a genre that shone in Brazil from the 1940s to the 1970s", he adds.
New National schedule *
06:00 Musical Programming – Network
7:00 am National Panel – Rio
07:00 Musical Programming – Network
7:30 am National Reporter – Network
08:00 Musical Programming – Network
11:00 Revista Rio – Rio, São Paulo and São Luís
11:00 Musical Programming – Network
12:00 National Reporter - Network
12:40 am National Bate-Bola - Network
13:00 National Playlist – Network
14:00 Musical Programming – Network
18:00 National Reporter - Network
6:40 pm In the World of Ball – Network
19:00 The Voice of Brazil – Network
20:00 Me from There, You from Here – Network
20:00 Musical Programming – Brasília
20:00 Musishow – Rio
9:00 pm Radio drama A Seer and the Scam – Network
9:15 pm Me from There, You from Here – Network
23:00 Musical Programming – Network
* Weekly productions
22:00 Temple of Rock (Monday) – Brasília
22:00 Brasília Project (Tuesday) – Brasília
9:15 pm National Football (Wednesday) – Network
22:00 On the History Trail (Thursday) – Brasília
22:00 Alma Blues (Friday) – Brasília
Premiere of Radio Nacional 's new network programming
Date: December 6, 2021
Brasília: FM 96.1 MHz and AM 980 Khz
Rio de Janeiro: FM 87.1 MHz and AM 1130 kHz
São Paulo: FM 87.1 MHz
Belo Horizonte: FM 87.1 MHz
Recife: FM 87.1 MHz
Site: https://radios.ebc.com.br/radionacional
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/vpj3k8ogjwf1nkv4nap3tlruv
YouTube: http://youtube.com/radionacionalbr
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/radionacionalbr
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RadioNacionalBR
WhatsApp - (61) 99989-1201
EBC Radios application, available for Android and Ios
Text translated using artificial intelligence.