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Pelé’s cancer worsens, medical report says

He is undergoing cardiac and renal care in São Paulo
Pedro Rafael Vilela
Published on 22/12/2022 - 11:07
Pelé posa para foto durante entrevista em Nova York
© REUTERS/Lucas Jackson/Direitos Reservados

Admitted at São Paulo’s Albert Einstein hospital on November 29, former football player Edson Arantes do Nascimento, a.k.a. Pelé, has experienced an advancement of his cancer and requires more care linked to cardiac and renal dysfunctions. The information can be found in a medical report released Wednesday (Dec. 21).

Pelé was hospitalized for a re-evaluation of the chemotherapy he had been receiving as treatment against a colon tumor and a respiratory infection.

The disease was identified in 2021, and the tumor was removed in September of the same year. Since then, the king of football, as he is known, has been submitted to chemotherapy with regular visits to the hospital.

In 1980, a jury of sports journalists elected Pelé the athlete of the century.