Fighting hunger is main challenge of future Lula’s government

The fight against hunger in Brazil is the main challenge for the social development policies of the government of President-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the report of the Transition Working Group points out.
The country has 33 million people in a situation of serious food insecurity, according to the 2nd National Survey on Food Insecurity in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Transition Group believes a budgetary reorganization of income transfer policies, nutritional programs, and supply of social services could improve this situation.
On December 21 the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution of the Transition was enacted, which guarantees the continuity of the payment of BRL 600 to beneficiary families of Brazil Aid (Auxílio Brasil - an income transfer program), which will be renamed Family Allowance (Bolsa Familia), as it was in Lula's previous government.
The elected government will have available BRL 145 billion beyond the spending ceiling, of which BRL 70 billion will fund the income transfer program. It includes an additional amount of BRL 150 per child up to 6 years old. These extra-ceiling expenditures will be available for one year.
The Ministry of Social Development, Assistance, Family and Fight against Hunger will be headed by Wellington Dias, former governor of the state of Piauí.