Carnival: Imperatriz Leopoldinense is the champion in Rio de Janeiro

The samba school of the Special Group in Rio de Janeiro Imperatriz Leopoldinense is the champion of the 2023 carnival, with a total of 269.8 points. The theme of the school's plot, by the carnival artist Leandro Vieira, talks about Lampião, the most notorious leader of a form of banditry in Brazil, known as Cangaço, endemic in the north-east hinterlands in the first half of the 20th century.
The school from Ramos, a neighborhood of the North Zone of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. won its ninth title today (22). Second place went to Unidos do Viradouro, from Niterói, in the Rio metropolitan area, and third place went to Unidos de Vila Isabel. Império Serrano was demoted to the Série Ouro.
Imperatriz Leopoldinense has won nine titles as champion of Rio's main carnival group, in 1980, 1981, 1989, 1994, 1995, 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2023.