Brazilians are among world’s top AI users

A survey conducted for Google by Ipsos—which specializes in market research and public opinion—heard 21 thousand people across 21 countries and showed that Brazil was above the global average in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in 2024, with 54 percent of Brazilians reporting they used generative AI, compared to the global average of 48 percent.
Además, el 60% de los brasileños cree que la IA generará mayores oportunidades de empleo, en comparación con el 49% a nivel global. La confianza de los brasileños en los cambios laborales relacionados con la IA creció del 62% al 68% entre 2023 y 2024, this technology is promising because it makes a contribution to various areas of life. The world average for optimism is 57 percent.
At least 60 percent of Brazilians believe that AI raises expectations for positive effects, including an increase in jobs. This same view is shared by 49 percent of respondents globally. The proportion of Brazilians who trust the changes in the labor market wrought by AI has grown from 62 to 68 percent in one year. In 2023, 20 percent of Brazilian workers who saw themselves impacted by the use of AI in the job market believed they would need a new job. In 2024, this figure fell to 15 percent.
The survey indicates that Brazilians see AI as a transformative force in a number of sectors, with science (80%), medicine (77%), agriculture (74%), and cybersecurity (67%) being the most prominent. Meanwhile, 64 percent of Brazilians believe the benefits of innovation, whether in science or medicine, outweigh the risks of the progress of AI.
Google Brasil President Fábio Coelho described Brazilians’ optimism and enthusiasm for generative AI as inspiring. “The survey results demonstrate Brazilians’ confidence in the potential of AI to have a positive impact on work, education, and everyday life. Google is committed to supporting this journey, offering tools and resources to help Brazilians from all walks of life thrive in this new era,” he said.
The areas that make everyday life easier were enthusiastically mentioned by respondents in Brazil. The highlights were online information search (81%), personal assistance (76%), and study support (74%). There is also a consensus on the importance of tools such as writing assistants (85%) and translators (89%). Three out of four Brazilians interviewed (78%) said they use AI at work and 88 percent of respondents consider it essential to use AI to deal with complex information and find innovative solutions to business challenges.