Brazil gov't condemns attack in Barcelona

A van drove into one of the city's busiest tourist areas, leaving dozens of people injured and dead.
Brazil's Ministry of Foreign Relations issued a note in which it “vehemently deplores” the terrorist attack that took place on Thursday afternoon (Aug 17) in Barcelona, Spain, when a van drove into one of the city's busiest tourist areas, leaving dozens of people injured and dead.
“Brazil reiterates its condemnation of each and every terrorist attack, regardless of motivation, and mournfully expresses its feelings of grief to the families of the victims, with wishes of full and quick recovery for the wounded,” the note reads.
No Brazilian has been reported among the victims so far. Brazil's General Consulate in Barcelona has been in charge of monitoring the situation. Special phone lines have been made available at the Brazilian Consulate in Barcelona and also at the headquarters of the Brazilian Foreign Ministry, in Brasília.
Translated by Fabrício Ferreira
Fonte: Brazil gov't condemns attack in Barcelona