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Judge orders arrest of former Brasilia security secretary

STF minister's measure refers to anti-democratic acts
André Richter
Published on 10/01/2023 - 17:22
 - Updated on 11/01/2023 - 08:58
O presidente do TSE, Alexandre de Moraes, durante cerimônia de posse do diretor-geral da PF, na sede da corporação, em Brasília.
© Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

Minister of the Supreme Court (STF), Alexandre de Moraes, ordered this Tuesday (10) the arrest of the former commander of the Military Police of the Federal District Colonel Fabio Augusto Vieira, and the former Secretary of Public Safety of the DF, Anderson Torres.

Colonel Fábio Augusto Vieira was responsible for the troop that acted during the antidemocratic acts this Sunday (8) against the Congress, the Planalto Palace and the Supreme Court.

Vieira is no longer in command of the corporation. He was exonerated yesterday (9) by the intervenor appointed to the Public Safety Secretariat of the Federal District after President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva decreed federal intervention in the public safety of the DF and the removal of governor Ibaneis Rocha for a period of 90 days, determined by the minister.

In the decision, Moraes also ordered the arrest of former Justice Minister and former DF Security Secretary Anderson Torres. At this moment, PF vehicles are at his house in Brasilia. 

There is no confirmation if the former minister is at the residence. Earlier this week, Torres told the press that he was on vacation in the United States. 

Article updated at 5:36 pm to add more information.