Judge declines request to block BRL 1 bi from Braskem

A federal court in Alagoas state has rejected a request from the Federal Prosecution Service and the Federal Public Defender’s Office to block BRL 1 billion from Braskem’s accounts. The decision was signed on December 23.
On December 14, the two agencies and the state’s Prosecution Service had asked the court to freeze the amount to ensure that new properties are included in a compensation program for the residents of the Bom Parto neighborhood, one of the places in the capital Maceió affected by the rock salt mining. The measure is part of one of the lawsuits filed against the corporation.
Several districts in the capital of Alagoas are suffering from soil erosion caused over the years by the exploitation of rock salt in underground deposits opened up by Braskem. Rock salt is a type of salt used in the chemical industry.
Serious mining flaws have caused soil instability. At least three neighborhoods in the capital of Alagoas had to be completely evacuated in 2020 due to earth tremors that shook the structure of buildings.