Gov't-run lab to become byword for production of biologicals in Brazil

TECPAR, Manguinhos, and Butantan will sell the government biological medications with a discount.
The Technology Institute of Paraná (TECPAR) will be responsible for transferring technology for four biological medications used in the treatment of cancer, arthritis, and autoimmune diseases. The partnerships were unveiled Monday (Mar. 6) by the Health Ministry. In addition to the Paraná laboratory, two publicly held institutions—Biomanguinhos and Butantan—were chosen by the government for the development of platforms for biologicals.
According to the ministry, the selection of three laboratories to control the platforms took into consideration the laboratories' expertise in the subject and the promising initiatives implemented for the development of monoclonal technology, regarded as the most advanced in the pharmaceutical industry.
“The three laboratories will produce these medications and immediately sell them to the government with a 30% discount. This is why the process of forging partnerships is key for the development of production in Brazil. It makes for immediate economy, not to mention the outlook of having technology produced in the country for these and also for new medications under development,” said Health Minister Ricardo Barros.
The government's target
The government expects more than $1.9 billion to be invested for advancing the production of biological medication, the construction of at least three new factories, the generation of qualified labor force, and the involvement of at least 450 doctors who specialize in the research into the development of medication and health products.
“The four products (Bevacizumabe, Etanercept, Infliximabe, and Trastuzumabe) to be developed by TECPAR through deals with private enterprises are strategic for the SUS [Brazil's Unified Health Care System] and are currently bought from overseas. The partnerships bring technology to the country for national production, which lowers costs for health care. The price drops 30% in the first year alone,” the ministry announced.
Vaccine against rabies
The minister inked the deal for the purchase of 30 million doses of the antirabic vaccine produced by TECPAR. A total $12.3 million will be earmarked for the laboratory.
TECPAR has supplied the ministry with the vaccine against rabies for over 40 years. The method adopted by the laboratory is cell culture and perfusion, capable of leading to a greater production of antibodies, thus causing no side effects.
Rabies is an acute infectious disease caused by a virus that can infect mammals—man included—chiefly through the bite of infected animals. Today, Brazil has nearly succeeded in eliminating transmission through dogs. The amount of vaccines acquired ensures that animals stay immune for a year.
Translated by Fabrício Ferreira
Fonte: Gov't-run lab to become byword for production of biologicals in Brazil