PSOL confirms Luciana Genro to run for president

The Solidarity and Freedom Party (PSOL) has officially launched former deputy Luciana Genro as a candidate to run for president in the general elections in October.
The Solidarity and Freedom Party (PSOL) has officially launched former deputy Luciana Genro as a candidate to run for president in the general elections in October.
At the party's convention on Sunday (June 22), Luciana Genro announced that one of the central points in her campaign will be to respond to the demands of the countrywide demonstrations of June last year. “We want to give heed to the outcry of the streets which still lies unanswered by governments. Public transport remains dreadful, education and healthcare are still appalling,” said Genro.
She went on to say that her party wants to discuss changes in the way taxes are levied in Brazil and stage “a true tax revolution”. “Taxation on consumption and income accounts for more than 50% of the total tax revenues. What we want to do is basically turn the existing logic around,” she said. One of the ways to do this, she explained, would be to tax wealth – indeed, Genro is the sponsor of a Congress bill outlining the specifics of how it would work.
Another proposal is to audit the country's government debt. Genro announced that one of the key points in her presidential campaign is “no longer letting Brazil give away over 40% of its budget on interest and debt redemption.” “We want to emulate the experience of Ecuador, which has proven that it can be achieved and successfully written off 75% of its debts”, she said.
Other topics announced as part of Genro's campaign agenda are abortion and marijuana legalization, and LGBT rights.
Translated by Mayra Borges
Fonte: PSOL confirms Luciana Genro to run for president

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