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Attorney of former Petrobras director in Interpol list

Supreme Court authorized the international police to add attorney
Agência Brasil
Published on 26/11/2015 - 16:06
© Interpol/divulgação

O advogado Edson Ribeiro e o ex-diretor da Área Internacional da Petrobras Nestor Cerveró, na CPI da Petrobras (Valter Campanato/Agência Brasil)

Ribeiro was defending former Petrobras International Director Nestor Cerveró Valter Campanato/Agência Brasil

Supreme Court (STF) Justice Teori Zavascki authorized the International Police (Interpol) to add attorney Edson Ribeiro's name on their list. Ribeiro was defending former Petrobras International Director Nestor Cerveró and was sentenced to detention by the Supreme Court on Wednesday (Nov. 26) by the same operation that has arrested Senator Delcídio do Amaral and BTG Pactual bank owner André Esteves.

Interpol has found the lawyer in the United States and he might be arrested by the police as soon as the Brazilian government submits the necessary documents. According to the arrest warrant issued by the Prosecutor-General's Office (PGR), Ribeiro took part in the negotiation in which senator Amaral tried to stop Cerveró to make a plea bargain with the Public Prosecution Office (MPF). In a meeting, the senator promised to pay a monthly $13,200 to the former director's family for him to reject the deal.

Edson Ribeiro, advogado de Nestro Cerveró

Interpol wanted poster  Interpol/divulgação

"Attorney Edson Ribeiro came to effectively protect Senator Delcídio do Amaral's interests. The Senator made him the promise to pay the legal fees agreed with Nestor Cerveró, mounting to $1.06 million," reads PGR's document.

According to the PGR, banker André Esteves would cover the legal costs and, for this reason, his name would not be mentioned in the plea bargain. "At least part of the money would come in the guise of legal fees for legal services provided to André Esteves from attoney Edson Ribeiro and/or his legal entity," says the PGR.

Translated by Amarílis Anchieta

Fonte: Attorney of former Petrobras director in Interpol list