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We are seeking to recover growth in 2016, says Rousseff

The president ensured that the government will step up its effort to
Ana Cristina Campos reports from Agência Brasil
Published on 04/02/2016 - 16:08
Uberlândia (MG) - Presidenta Dilma Rousseff durante cerimônia de inauguração da Cervejaria Uberlândia Ambev (Roberto Stuckert Filho/PR)
© Roberto Stuckert Filho/PR
Uberlândia (MG) - Presidenta Dilma Rousseff durante cerimônia de inauguração da Cervejaria Uberlândia Ambev (Roberto Stuckert Filho/PR)

President Dilma Rousseff during the ceremony to inaugurate Ambev's brewery in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais Roberto Stuckert Filho/PR

President Dilma Rousseff said today (Feb. 4) that 2015 was a “very challenging" year for the Brazilian economy and the government wants to take 2016 as the year to recover growth. According to her, the government has strategies for overcoming the "temporary" difficulties.

"During a crisis, we have to intensify the efforts to overcome the challenges, to find new paths. We have to learn from our crisis; for that reason, a number of proposals in the field of tax, regulation, Social Security, and for improving the business environment in Brazil are being discussed," she reported during the ceremony to inaugurate an Ambev's brewery in Minas Gerais.

Rousseff pointed out that the government seeks to increase private investment and to maintain public investment. "We will make an effort throughout the year in auction markets for the concessions on railways, ports, airports and highways, but also in order to rise private investment."

She noted the "explicit" request she made for the Council for Economic and Social Development (CDES)  to achieve unity among the several sectors of society to overcome the crisis .

Last week, the CDES, known as the “Conselhão” (“the big council”), brought together representatives from civil society and  the business community to discuss economic measures. It was the first meeting of 2016, after a year and a half without meetings.

Translated by Amarílis Anchieta

Fonte: We are seeking to recover growth in 2016, says Rousseff