Integration of Latin America and Caribbean a priority for Brazil government

Planning Minister Romero Jucá
Planning Minister Romero Jucá said Tuesday (May 18) in Rio de Janeiro that the government's efforts should be focused on the integration of Latin America and the Caribbean in both economic and social aspects. The message acting President Michel Temer wants to convey, Jucá said, is that Brazil “will more than ever be a welcoming nation, getting involved and contributing towards making Latin America and the Caribbean capable of bringing better and better living conditions to the people.”
Jucá's statement was made during a lecture held in the opening ceremony of the 46th meeting of the Latin American Association of Financial Institutions for Development (ALIDE). A senator for 22 years, Jucá comes from the state of Roraima, which lies right across the border from Venezuela and Guyana. He said he has long argued for the integration and partnership of Latin-American countries and democracy.
“We're aware that we've just gone through a major growth cycle, with the accumulation of foreign exchange reserves and social development driven by favorable economic circumstances where commodities have become more valued in a unique moment for Latin America and the Caribbean.” The minister stated, however, that the continent is facing a new challenge with the plunge in international prices of agricultural and mineral goods, and needs therefore to work on other fronts in a bid to quickly address the need for investment, employment generation and competitiveness in the region through the strengthening of the economy.
According to Romero Jucá, an agenda should be drawn up to include funding for infrastructure, the creation of a new model for drawing investors from within and outside the country. He highlighted the importance of a framework to ensure a legal foundation, profitability, and economic predictability and stability for investors. The challenge, he says, lies in building motivation as well as a solid economic framework so that countries can expand their plans for investment in infrastructure, strengthen industrial competitiveness, regional integration and the promotion of exports.
Jucá said that the countries in the region are brothers and need to help each other, with a view to promoting development.
The planning minister rounded off his speech saying that Temer's government will fight and also base its work on democratic values, with respect for the population and the brother countries, bearing in mind that “no country can reach where it needs to reach by itself.”
Translated by Fabrício Ferreira
Fonte: Integration of Latin America and Caribbean a priority for Brazil government