Brazil: Cunha still banned from lower house

Federal Deputy Eduardo Cunha is still banned from entering the Chamber of Deputies
Federal Deputy Eduardo Cunha is still banned from entering the Chamber of Deputies, even after stepping down from his post as lower house speaker.
In May, the Supreme Court (STF) ruled his suspension from office as member of Congress—and consequently also as house speaker—for understanding that the congressman had been misusing his position in a bid to carry out illegitimate acts.
As a result of the move, Cunha needs permission from STF Justice Teori Zavascki to gain access to the facilities. He will be allowed in Congress to make his defense as part of the case to strip him of his license, currently in progress in the lower house Ethics Committee, upon authorization from the top court.
Criminal charges
Cunha's decision to resign has an impact on two of the cases against him at the Supreme Court. As a result of his resignation, these cases will be tried by a five-member team of justices, rather than the full court, formed by 11 justices.
Translated by Fabrício Ferreira
Fonte: Brazil: Cunha still banned from lower house

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