New Federal Accounting Court head says “no one can stand corruption any more”

President Michel Temer took part Wednesday (Dec. 14) in the inauguration ceremony of Ministers Raimundo Carreiro and José Múcio Montiro as president and vice-president of the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU in the original acronym) for the upcoming two years. In his address, the court head said that “no one can tolerate the evil of corruption any longer—a crime that afflicts and targets all of society.”
Carreiro noted that “for every real invested by society in the Federal Accounting Court in 2015, the country saved 13 reais,” he noted, adding that it is natural in times of crisis for a society “lacking in quality services” to question the use of public funds.
“In this connection, we have ascertained the need to have the efficiency principle as the guide in the actions of public agents. More must be done—with less. There's no longer room for squandering and bureaucracy,” he declared.
Carreiro argued that, in order for the court to accomplish its mission, two fronts must be brought to action: prevention and correction, so that the public administrator can administer public money and prevent misappropriation and contribute to the fight against fraud and corruption.
Graduated in law from CEUB, in Brasília, in 1981, Raimundo Carreiro was a Senate official before retiring as a legislative analyst, in 2007. He was named the board's secretary general that year, by Senator José Sarney. Also in 2007, he was appointed for the Senate's TCU chair. From 1990 to 1992, he served as city councilor and head of the Legislative Chamber in the municipality of São Raimundo das Mangabeiras, in Maranhão state.
José Múcio Monteiro, the new vice-president of the Federal Accounting Court, is a civil engineer graduated in 1971 from the Polytechnic School of Pernambuco. He was vice-mayor and mayor of Rio Formoso, Pernambuco, from 1982 to 1983. In 1980, he joined the PDS (Democratic Social Party), and subsequently shifted to the PFL (Liberal Front Party), currently called DEM (Democrats).
After 1990, he was elected federal deputy multiple times in a row. In 2001, he was affiliated with the PSDB (Brazilian Social Democracy Party) for a short spell, before eventually becoming a member of the PTB (Brazilian Labour Party).
Translated by Fabrício Ferreira
Fonte: New Federal Accounting Court head says “no one can stand corruption any more”