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Brazil's Supreme Court votes to restrict politicians' near immunity

The immunity will be limited to crimes comitted during lawmakers' term
André Richter
Published on 03/05/2018 - 18:54
Sessão do Supremo Tribunal Federal para julgamento sobre a restrição ao foro privilegiado
© Antonio Cruz/Agência Brasil

Brazil's Supreme Court voted this Thursday (May 3) to restrict foro privilegiado, a right granted to Brazilian politicians, who can only be judged in the country's higher court.

In a 7-4 vote, the Supreme Court justices decided that congressmen and senators can be judged in the top court only if the crimes are related to their office and were comitted during their current term.

Otherwise, the lawsuits are to be sent to the lower courts. The justices voted unanimously in favor of putting restrictions to lawmakers' immunity. They diverged, however, about the point in time restrictions are to come into effect.