House Committee Approves Active Search for Out-of-School Students

A bill presented to the Chamber of Deputies should create the National Policy for Active Search of School Age Children and Youth. The aim is to prevent students from dropping out.
“The proposal comes at an opportune time, as school dropout is in an alarming situation. Thousands of school-age children were already absent from classrooms before the covid-19 pandemic, and the trend is for this to worsen significantly, due to social changes resulting from the economic crisis", argues the rapporteur of the matter, deputy Eduardo Barbosa ( PSDB-MG).
In presenting the project, deputy Professor Dorinha Seabra Rezende (DEM-TO) showed the statistics for 2019, when more than 620,000 students dropped out of school.
To search for school-age children and young people, the author proposes the annual census; the formation, in states and municipalities, of intersectorial committees for the active search, made up of representatives from the areas of education, social assistance and health; and identifying children and adolescents who are out of school or at risk of dropping out.
The Union will provide technical and financial assistance to states and municipalities for the implementation of the policy.
The proposal will still be analyzed by the Education commissions; and Constitution and Justice and Citizenship. As it is conclusive, once approved by them, the proposal will not need to go through the plenary.
* With information from the Chamber Agency
Text translated using artificial intelligence.