The Senate plenary approved this Tuesday (14), in a symbolic vote, the Conversion Bill (PLV) 28/2021 which amends the MP do Milho (MP 1.064/2021). The text alters the Over-the-Counter Sales Program (ProVB), of the National Supply Company (Conab), to focus its activities on the sale of corn from public stocks to small animal breeders. The PLV goes to sanction.
Before the MP, ProVB could carry out operations throughout the country with rice, wheat, cashew nuts, beans, cassava and wheat flour, powdered milk, sorghum, sugar and Brazil nuts, but it started to concentrate the performance in the sale of corn, which had its production affected in 2020 and 2021, with a 25.7% drop in productivity.
Small animal breeders, including aquaculturists, who have an active declaration of aptitude with the National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (Pronaf) are able to buy corn through ProVB, with registration and regularity at Conab. In case the producer does not have the active aptitude declaration, the producer can buy the input if it meets the criteria of annual gross income within the scope of Pronaf or explore rural properties with an area of up to ten fiscal modules.
In the North and Northeast regions, according to the approved text, animal breeders will also be able to have access to the public stock of soybean meal and cottonseed, following the same rules applied to corn.
Each CPF will be able to buy 27 tons per month and the payment for the sale of corn will be made until the date of release of the product. It will be up to Conab to measure the demand for corn by ProVB, proposing its quantity and the necessary values for the purchase and removal of stock from the place of sale to the place of consumption by the small producer.
* With information from the Senate Agency
Text translated using artificial intelligence.