Railroad linking four Brazilian regions completed after 35 years | Agência Brasil
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Railroad linking four Brazilian regions completed after 35 years

The North–South Railroad gives three states a sea outlet
Pedro Rafael Vilela
Published on 16/06/2023 - 11:37
 Ferrovia Norte-Sul
© Divulgação/PPI.Gov.Br

The inauguration of the Rio Verde terminal, in Goiás state, will mark the conclusion of the construction works of the North–South Railroad, initiated 35 years ago. Poor weather conditions led to the inauguration ceremony being put until Friday, to be attended by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

The railroad represents a major connection in the backbone of Brazil’s rail network, as it links together the ports of Itaqui, Maranhão, to that of Santos, São Paulo. Its construction project began late in the 1980s. Stretching for 2,257 km, the railroad runs across four regions.

“The conclusion gives three states with strong production of commodities—such as soy, corn, and cotton—a sea outlet. Goiás, Mato Grosso, and Minas Gerais should boost their competitiveness in exports both by the coast, in the Southeast, and the North. In practical terms, this means development and new jobs for the length of this logistics corridor,” the government stated in a note.

Started in 1986, the building of the North–South Railroad saw little progress in its first decades, and did not pick up momentum until 2007, after it received funding from the federal infrastructure program PAC, during Lula’s second term in office.


Even though Brazilian railroads have received investments adding up to over BRL 141.9 billion over the last decades, as per national association ANTF, the sector still represents 21.5 percent of cargo transportation in the nation, thus below other vast countries like Russia (81%), Canada (34%), the US (27%), and Australia (55%).

By 2021, upwards of 93 percent of the iron ore exported had reached Brazilian ports by rail. The North–South Railway accounts for the transportation of more than 49 percent of the agricultural bulk solids exported. For sugar, the index stands at nearly 53 percent. For corn, the railroad carries 58 percent of production and, compared to over 46 percent for the soybean complex (soy and meal).

This article was changed to reflect updates in President Lula’s engagements.

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