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More than half of those over 18 consume alcoholic beverages

Data is from a research by the Brazilian Institute of Liver
Agência Brasil
Published on 05/12/2021 - 09:24
São Paulo
Bares de Brasília com pouco movimento nesse jogo da disputa do terceiro lugar. (Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Agência Brasil)
© Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Agência Brasil

A survey commissioned by the Brazilian Liver Institute (Ibrafig) to Datafolha showed that 55% of Brazilians over 18 years of age consume alcoholic beverages, with 32%, that is, one in three individuals, consume it weekly. Of these, 44% consume more than three doses per day or occasion and in this group 11% consume more than ten doses per day. The standard dose to which the research refers is 14 g of pure alcohol, which corresponds to 45 ml of spirit, or 150 ml of wine or a can of beer.

Carried out in September, the survey also revealed that among those who claim to consume one to two doses of alcohol per day or occasion, women (42%) consume more than men (32%) and more than the national average (37 %), as well as people over 60 years of age (52%). According to the survey, as consumption per day increases, the age group decreases, being 10% and 12% among people aged 18 to 59 years, against 5% among those over 60 years of age.

Among Brazilians who consume three or more drinks at a time, 44% are men, a percentage that rises to 49% among men in AB classes. Most respondents believe that frequent alcohol consumption leads the ranking of both liver cancer and cirrhosis, but most (56%) neglect their health when they say they have never been tested for liver damage related to alcohol consumption. alcohol.

According to the president of the Brazilian Liver Institute, Paulo Bittencourt, there is no safety limit for consumption, as the sensitivity to alcohol is individual. However, in general, for people without liver disease, moderate consumption, which is 14 doses for men per week, or seven doses for women per week, can be considered safe. For those who have some type of disease or liver fat, it is recommended not to consume.

"Even those people who drink only on weekends, known as social drinkers, are at twice the risk of cirrhosis when they follow the consumption pattern characterized by the WHO [World Health Organization] as an episodic heavy drinker (BPE), that is, , more than four and five doses of alcohol per occasion, respectively for women and men”, says the institute.

According to the institute, despite the risks, most people who consume alcoholic beverages will not develop cirrhosis and liver cancer, because, in addition to alcohol abuse, there is individual susceptibility, genetic and environmental factors, such as underlying liver disease, obesity and diabetes that increase the risk of liver damage from alcohol.

Paulo Bittencourt also warned that excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, or the popularly known as hangover, cannot be counterbalanced with teas, products labeled as detox or medications called hepatoprotectors, because these medications do not protect the liver against Harmful effects of alcohol.

“The recommendation is for moderate and conscious consumption, within the standards considered safer, for those who do not have liver disease. However, for those who occasionally crossed the limit, it is important to compensate for abuse with abstinence from alcohol in the following days, drinking plenty of fluids and eating properly. The use of analgesics can potentiate its hepatotoxic effects associated with the use of alcohol”, explained the specialist.

To diagnose the health of the liver, it is recommended that tests are performed to assess liver enzymes (blood) available in public and private networks in all individuals who abuse alcohol, even those with an episodic heavy drinker pattern.

To learn more about the subject, follow @tudosobrefigado on social networks or on the Ibrafig website .

Text translated using artificial intelligence.