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Brazil exceeds 5 mi likely cases of dengue in 2024

Minas Gerais ranks first among the states
Paula Laboissière
Publicada em 21/05/2024 - 14:57
Mosquito da Dengue, Aedes Aegypti, picada, Malária. Foto: shammiknr/Pixabay
© shammiknr/Pixabay

Brazil has recorded 5,100,766 probable cases of dengue fever in 2024. The figure represents more than three times the amount of likely cases of the disease identified in the whole of last year (1,649,144).

Data from the arbovirus monitoring panel shows that the country has also reported 2,827 deaths from dengue and 2,712 deaths under investigation. The incidence rate of the disease currently stands at 2,511 cases for every 100 thousand people. Lethality in probable cases is 0.06, compared to 4.83 in cases of severe dengue.

The majority of likely cases remain concentrated in the 20–29 age group, followed by 30–39, 40–49, and 50–59. The least affected age range is children under one, followed by people aged 80 and over, and children aged one to four.

Minas Gerais still accounts for the highest amount of probable dengue cases (1,431,174). Next come São Paulo (1,397,796), Paraná (535,433), and Santa Catarina (288,212). The states with the lowest number of likely cases are Roraima (286), Sergipe (2,868), Rondônia (4,789), and Amapá (5,557).

When considering the incidence rate of the disease, the Federal District comes first, with 9,037 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants. Next are Minas Gerais (6,968), Paraná (4,679), and Santa Catarina (3,787). The states with the lowest rates are Roraima (45), Ceará (126), Sergipe (129), and Maranhão (159).