Últimas notícias Agência Brasil Explica

Agência Brasil Explica

Agência Brasil explains the processing of provisional measures

Term of validity of the MP is 60 days, automatically extended for an equal period if the vote in Congress has not been concluded.

Foto de ilustração sobre a variante Ômicron do coronavírus

Agência Brasil explains: what is known about the Ômicron variant

Anvisa's first observations indicate that it spreads more easily than the original Sars-CoV-2 virus and variants such as Delta. In Brazil, so far, six cases have been confirmed in the country.

Edifício - sede do Banco Central do Brasil no Setor Bancário Norte

Agência Brasil explains how interest rate is calculated

According to the Central Bank, interest is like the price of renting money for a period of time, the remuneration paid to the borrower.

Uso de Smartphone e celular

Agência Brasil explains: what to do if cell phone is lost or stolen

In many places, there are police stations dedicated to cybercrime, which can be triggered if there is improper access or other illegal access to the device.
Trabalhador movimenta botijões de gás de cozinha em distribuidora em São Paulo (SP)

Agência Brasil explains: how the gas voucher will work

Benefit is for families enrolled in the CadÚnico, with monthly per capita income less than or equal to half the minimum wage, or for those who receive the BPC.