Últimas notícias Amazonas

Tefé (AM) 30/09/2023 - Uma pesquisadora fazem medição e coleta de tecidos de botos mortos em lago no município de Tefé, no Amazonas. Para o ICMBio, há indícios de que a seca prolongada e a temperatura elevada na região possa ter causado as mortes dos animais

Carcasses of 23 dolphins found in Amazon town lakes

The carcasses of pink river dolphins and tucuxis were found by researchers from the Federal University of Amazonas in Coari, Amazonas state. The municipality borders Tefé, where more than 150 animals have died since September.

03/09/2023 - PF inutiliza 302 balsas de garimpo ilegal em operação no Amazonas. Foto: Polícia Federal/Divulgação

Federal police burn 302 illegal mining rafts in the Amazon

Supported by the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA), this operation covered 1,500 kilometers of the Madeira River.

10/08/2023, Ambientalistas denunciam desmatamento às margens de rodovia amazônica. Foto: Cristie Sicsú

Environmentalists denounce "alarming" deforestation in Amazonas state

A BR-319 Observatory survey underscores the proliferation of such illegal routes, stretching across 5,092 kilometers in municipalities like Canutama, Humaitá, Manicoré and Tapauá.

Brasília (DF - Caminhos da Reportagem Yanomami - O Direito de Existir - Indígenas no posto emergencial de saúde montado em território yanomami. - Foto: TV Brasil/Divulgação

In four years, 535 indigenous Brazilians took their own lives

Poverty, violence, and racism have triggered severe mental health issues, especially in the Amazon area. Experts have linked local conflicts and illegal mining to the deterioration of mental health indicators.

Brasília (DF - Caminhos da Reportagem Yanomami - O Direito de Existir - Mulheres indígenas yanomami. - Foto: TV Brasil/Divulgação

Amazonas state now has 17 official languages

The sanctioning of the law followed the launch of the first Federal Constitution translated into Nheengatu, the only language descended from ancient Tupi and still alive.