Últimas notícias Anvisa

Dourados - MS, 03/01/2024, Vacinação contra dengue começa com alta procura nos postos de saúde. Vacina Qdenga, do laboratório japonês Takeda. Foto: Rogério Vidmantas/Prefeitura de Dourados

First batch of SUS dengue vaccine arrives in Brazil

The country has obtained 720,000 doses of the Qdenga vaccine from the Japanese laboratory Takeda Pharma, free of charge. Vaccinations are scheduled to start in February.

Trabalhador do campo usa pesticida e agrotóxico em plantação.

Registration of new pesticides still on the rise in Brazil

The world’s largest consumer of pesticides, Brazil has approved 505 registrations this year alone. The number should grow even further if President Lula approves the Pesticides Bill.

Laranja,limão, tangerina

A quarter of plant-based foods in Brazil show pesticide residues

“Noncompliance is a sign of error in production and in the adoption of good agricultural practices,” national drug watchdog Anvisa said at the release of the 2022 results of its program on pesticide residues in food.

São Paulo SP, 30/08/2023,  A Secretaria Municipal da Saúde (SMS), por meio do Programa Municipal de Imunizações (PMI), realiza as ações de vacinação extramuro contra Covid-19 e influenza, vírus causador da gripe, nas estações do Metrô, da Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos (CPTM) e em terminais de ônibus, que ocorre em todas as regiões da cidade. Foto: Paulo Pinto/ Agência Brasil

Brazil drug authority unveils composition of 2024 flu jabs

Changing the strains used in the vaccines is crucial to the effectiveness of the dose, as the virus adapts and mutates, Anvisa stated.

Carrapato-estrela, principal vetor da Febre Maculosa. Foto: Prefeitura de Jundiaí

New spotted fever test registered in Brazil

The product is the second diagnostic test authorized in the country. It detects genetic material from the bacteria transmitted by the bite of an infected tick. The test must be carried out by a health provider with specific knowledge.