Últimas notícias art

Dança Hip Hop. Foto: Wikipedia/E. Başak

Hip-hop now cultural heritage of Paraíba state

A new law aims to safeguard the movement’s representation, expression, knowledge, and techniques, as well as key cultural tools, objects, and places in this state in Northeast Brazil. Discrimination is punishable under the law.

Mostra Ideogramas Sonoros: novos caminhos entre as linguagens, da artista Priscila Asche e do compositor Fabio Guimarães, na Biblioteca Pública Municipal Viriato Corrêa em Vila Mariana.

São Paulo public libraries host exhibition on language

Three municipal libraries will display 27 works and poems by artist and journalist Priscila Asche as well as original music by composer Fabio Guimarães.

Mostra Movimento Armorial 50 anos, movimento artístico criado por Ariano Suassuna, com curadoria de Denise Mattar, no Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil - CCBB.

São Paulo exhibition honors Suassuna’s 50-year-old Armorial Movement

The movement started in Recife, in Northeast Brazil, and aimed to create Brazilian art combining the roots of popular culture with scholarly and universal elements.

Festival Internacional de Linguagem Eletrônica - FILE São Paulo 2022, com o tema Supercriatividade, no Centro Cultural FIESP.

FIESP houses international festival merging art and technology

Since 2000, the Electronic Language International Festival, or FILE, has showcased the world’s most cutting-edge novelties in the aesthetics of electronic art.

PF apreende obra de arte suspeita de ter sido roubada de Museu da Líbia

Brazil police seize art piece suspected of having been stolen in Libya

According to the police, the piece is a marble sculpture of a human head representing Asclepius, the Greek God of healing, from 400 BC.