Últimas notícias black women

Rio de Janeiro (RJ), 30/07/2023 - IX Marcha das Mulheres Negras do Rio de Janeiro, na praia de Copacabana, zona sul da cidade. Foto:Tânia Rêgo/Agência Brasil

In Brazil, two-thirds of women murdered with firearms are Black

In 27 percent of cases where women were killed by firearms, the crime occurred inside the victim's own home. Among non-Black women, this rate rises to 34 percent.

Apresentação da Orquestra de Berimbaus, do Grupo Nzinga de Capoeira Angola, na oitava edição do Festival Latinidades (Marcello Casal Jr/Agência Brasil)
Human Rights

Study exposes lack of racial inclusion policies in Brazilian companies

Even highly educated black, female workers face discrimination. Although over 70% of the interviewees hold post-graduate degrees, this does not seem to be a factor in clinching a promotion.

Comida servida em restaurante em Brasília.

Black women’s homes worst hit by food insecurity in Salvador

A study conducted by the Federal University of Bahia found that 21.2 percent of the households headed by black women face the problem at moderate to severe levels.

O Dia da Mulher Negra Latino-Americana e Caribenha, será lembrado com uma série de atividades no Festival Latinidades Edição 2014 – Griôs da Diáspora Negra (Valter Campanato/Agência Brasil)

Brazil unveils campaign for empowerment of black women

Dubbed “Snap out of the trance!” the initiative is launched on the Black, Latin, and Caribbean Women’s Day, July 25. Under discussion are racism and sexism.

Logotipo do Google é exibido dentro de um prédio de escritórios em Zurique, Suíça.

Google Brasil unveils free content for black women

Among the topics discussed in this edition is the impostor syndrome. The content shows ways to identify self-sabotage, with tips on how to be stronger when faced with professional challenges.