Últimas notícias caatinga


Brazil has lost 34 mi of the 82.6 mi hectares of caatinga

The president of the national environmental authority Ibama, Rodrigo Agostinho, spoke during a scientific seminar on the biome, attended by Minister for the Environment and Climate Change Marina Silva.

Declaração de reconhecimento a violações nas Comunidades Quilombolas de Alcântara. Foto: Luís Henrique Wanderley/Agência de Notícia do Estado do MA

Quilombola territories stand out as least deforested areas in Brazil

The native vegetation of quilombola territories is mainly concentrated in three of Brazil's six biomes: the Amazon (73%), the Cerrado (12%), and the Caatinga (10%).

Vista da mata atlântica na Floresta da Tijuca, no Rio de Janeiro

Deforestation in Atlantic forest down 59% Jan–Aug year on year

The highest-ranking states for deforestation saw a plunge of some 60%. Among the factors behind it are the increase in inspections and embargoes, and the fact that producers are denied credit over deforestation.


Brazil: Recovery of Caatinga supported by public banks

The Caatinga—which means "white forest" in the Tupi-Guarani language —stands as an exclusively Brazilian biome, adapted to thrive in high-temperature and arid conditions.

Teste com retardante para combater incêndios no Pantanal

Brazil witnesses loss of 2.15 million hectares due to fires

Nearly half of the burned area in Brazil during January to June this year concentrated in Roraima—an Amazonian state—witnessing the destruction of one million hectares.