Últimas notícias Carlos França

O Ministro Carlos França reuniu-se com o Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros da Rússia, Sergey Lavrov,

Brazil, Russia chancellors meet at UN

“The ministers reiterated their concern about the impact of unilateral sanctions on food and energy security worldwide,” a note from Brazil’s Foreign Ministry reads.

Fachada Tribunal de Contas da União - TCU

Joining OECD a priority in Brazil foreign policy, chief of staff says

Ciro Nogueira said the steps taken by Brazil to join the organization have mobilized hundreds of federal officials, leading to a “new work dynamic in various spheres.”

O ministro das Relações Exteriores, Carlos França, participa de audiência pública, promovida pela Comissão de Relações Exteriores e Defesa Nacional da Câmara dos Deputados

Brazil is negotiating deals for the purchase of diesel from Russia

"We need to ensure that there will be enough diesel for Brazilian agribusiness and, of course, for Brazilian drivers," said the Minister of Foreign Affairs Carlos França during a visit to the United Nations.

Vendas globais de chips batem recorde em 2021 e setor prevê crescimento 8,8% em 2022

Minister França encourages domestic semiconductor production

The problem impairs the car production, which has been suffering drops due to the lack of semiconductors, according to the Association of Automotive Vehicle Manufacturers.

Comissão de países lusófonos assinam acordo de mobilidade.

Brazil ratifies agreement with Portuguese-speaking countries

During the ratification ceremony in Lisbon, Portugal, Brazil´s Minister of Foreign Affairs Carlos França has met with CPLP Executive Secretary Zacarias Albano da Costa.