Últimas notícias children and adolescents

obesidade infantil

Obesity surges among Brazilian children, adolescents during pandemic

In comparison with other countries, Brazil's situation appears more critical. In 2022, there were three times more overweight children in Brazil than the global average.

A pandemia revelou a desigualdade de acesso à internet

Around 95% of Brazilian kids aged 9–17 are internet users

The number of kids with internet access in Brazil saw a small increase in 2023, a survey by TIC Kids Online Brasil shows. The study also showed there is still a part of this group that has never been online: over 580 thousand people.

Rio de Janeiro - Cerca de 50 crianças de abrigos da prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro comemoraram antecipadamente o Dia da Criança com um piquenique hoje (10) na Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas (Tânia Rêgo/Agência Brasil)
Human Rights

Over 32 thousand kids away from family life in Brazil

These are children and adolescents living in foster care homes. The Southeast and the South of the country concentrate eight out of ten of these kids, a study revealed.

Rio de Janeiro - Em ato Contra o Genocídio da Juventude Negra, manifestantes protestam contra a morte de cinco jovens negros por PMs no último sábado (28), em Costa Barros, na zona norte (Tomaz Silva/Agência Brasil)
Human Rights

Black teenagers face higher likelihood of police approaches

The study examined 800 children and adolescents from 120 public and private schools in São Paulo through an extensive questionnaire on their interactions with the police.

Indígenas venezuelanos, da etnia Warao, são acolhidos no abrigo Janokoida, em Pacaraima.

Unicef praises Brazil’s efforts in sheltering immigrant children

Brazil has made a series of significant strides in the enforcement of the rights of children and adolescents, and the results of policies on health care and education are seen reflected among immigrants in this age group.