Últimas notícias COP26

Os ministros do Meio Ambiente, Joaquim Leite, das Relações Exteriores, Carlos França e da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento, Tereza Cristina, dão entrevista coletiva, na Sala dos Tratados do Palácio Itamaraty, sobre os resultados da COP26

Minister: Carbon market to bring in $10 bi a year for Brazil

Brazil’s Environment Minister Joaquim Leite argued that the country played a central role in negotiations at the 26th Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, which set as a target to reach carbon neutrality by 2050.

indústrias,Fábrica de balas Simas,indústria

Small industrial businesses to boost investment in sustainability

The two main reasons leading small firms to invest in sustainability are its reputation among society and consumers (40%) and meeting regulatory requirements, also with 40 percent of replies. Cost reduction, with 36 percent, and the increase in competitiveness, with 34 percent, complete the list of items that most stimulate business people to adopt a sustainable agenda.

Floresta do Parque Nacional da Tijuca ganha mais 260 mudas de espécies nativas da Mata Atlântica. A ação foi promovida pelos voluntários do Instituto Conhecer para Conservar, do Grupo Cataratas, e de Paineiras Corcovado, no Parque Lage.

Brazil unveils platform with incentives for forest preservation

A variety of projects are expected in several fields with different purposes, like forest restoration, recycling, soil protection, and climate regulation.

Recuperação mata atlântica/ fauna/ flora

Brazil institutions to boost investment in forests

The Petrobras–BNDES partnership will add up to an investment of $8.3 million over the course of five years, for reforestation projects through public procurement and shared management.

O ministro do Meio Ambiente, Joaquim Leite, participa de debate promovido pelo governo brasileiro na 26ª Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Mudança do Clima (COP26).

Brazil asks for more int’l help preserving environment

Brazil’s Environment Minister mentioned a study by Boston Consulting Group (BCG), according to which the world needs to invest $150 trillion in the next 30 years if it is willing to meet the targets of the Climate Agreement signed in Paris in 2015 and keep global warming in check.