Últimas notícias ECA

Rio de Janeiro - Em ato Contra o Genocídio da Juventude Negra, manifestantes protestam contra a morte de cinco jovens negros por PMs no último sábado (28), em Costa Barros, na zona norte (Tomaz Silva/Agência Brasil)
Human Rights

Racism, violence still assail Brazilian children and teenagers

We’ve been under a false ideology of racial democracy, when really all school contents and references to access to public policies are white", says Mario Volpi, coordinator of the Citizenship Program for Adolescents at the United Nations International Children’s Fund (Unicef).
 A ministra da Mulher, da Família e dos Direitos Humanos, Damares Alves, participa de evento em celebração aos 29 anos do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) e entrega de oito veículos para Conselhos Tutelares do Distrito Federal.
Human Rights

Brazil’s Statute of the Child and Adolescent now 30 years old

ECA originates from Article 227 and consolidates the debate preceding it, declaring children and adolescents subjects endowed with rights, for whom full protection must be guaranteed, in addition to opportunities of development with liberty and dignity.


Senate approves bill lengthening juvenile correction stays

Brazil's Senate approved Tuesday (July 14) a bill submitted by Senator José Serra amending the Statute of the Child and Adolescent (ECA) to allow longer juvenile detention times for juveniles who have committed the so-called “heinous” crimes, except in case of drug trafficking