Últimas notícias Fecomércio

Protesto de motoristas de ônibus paralisa vias do centro de São Paulo

Tourism in São Paulo is up 10.1%

Since April, accumulated expansion is 90% compared to January. In October, the analyzed variables increased, with emphasis on the hotel occupancy rate: 58.9%.

Receita Federal destrói 3.200 toneladas de produtos contrabandeados em todo o país, como parte do 14º Mutirão Nacional de Destruição, para marcar o Dia Nacional de Combate à Pirataria (Divulgação Receita Federal)

RJ: purchase of pirated products involves 2.9 million people in 1 year

A survey reveals that 2.9 million people bought counterfeit products in the last 12 months in the state of Rio. Most respondents know that piracy is a crime


Industry and trade unions respond to unchanged benchmark interest rate

The recent Central Bank decision not to change Brazil's benchmark interest rate (SELIC, currently at 14.25% per annum) was welcomed by the industrial sector.

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