Últimas notícias firearms

Rio de Janeiro (RJ), 30/07/2023 - IX Marcha das Mulheres Negras do Rio de Janeiro, na praia de Copacabana, zona sul da cidade. Foto:Tânia Rêgo/Agência Brasil

In Brazil, two-thirds of women murdered with firearms are Black

In 27 percent of cases where women were killed by firearms, the crime occurred inside the victim's own home. Among non-Black women, this rate rises to 34 percent.

Polícia Civil do Distrito Federal deflagrou a Operação Efígie, que contou com o apoio do Exército e da Receita Federal, e resultou na apreensão de cerca de 80 réplicas de armas de fogo (Wilson Dias/Agência Brasil)

Firearms responsible for 76% of killings in Brazil

More than 76% of killings in the country in 2014 were in possession of firearms. There were 44,861 deaths. The ratio declined after the Disarmament Statute was sanctioned in 2003, when the rate reached 77%.

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