Últimas notícias garbage

Reciclagem de latas de alumínio

Brazil recycling rate merely 4%

Waste recovery in Brazil is lower than in countries with the same level of development, like Chile, Argentina, and South Africa, where the percentage stands at 16 percent.

A poluição provocada pelos plásticos é uma tragédia ambiental global que contamina o solo e os mares

Plastic corresponds to 48.5% of items found at Brazilian sea

Cigarette butts and styrofoam appear in second and third places among the 15 most found items, which altogether represent 80.3 percent of the waste on the Brazilian coast.

Lixão da Estrutural

Brazil generates 79 million tons of solid waste every year

In Brazil, 79 million tons of urban solid waste were produced I 2018—an increase of less than one percent from the previous year. Of this total, 92 percent (72.7 million) were was collected—up 1.66 percent against 2017.

Rio de Janeiro - Garis fazem manifestação saindo da sede da Comlurb, na Tijuca, em direção à prefeitura, na região central da cidade (Tânia Rêgo/Agência Brasil)

Garbage collectors' strike leaves a trashed-up Rio following Carnival

Rio's mayor, Eduardo Paes, has recognized that the “piles of trash” left on the streets following a garbage collectors' strike which began on March 1st and is held as illegal by courts has created an ugly picture of the city following Carnival, a peak tourist season.