Últimas notícias humanitarian crisis

Alto Alegre (RR), 10/02/2023 - Áreas de garimpo ilegal na Terra Indígena Yanomami vistas em sobrevoo ao longo do rio Mucajaí. Foto: Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil
Human Rights

Lula defends use of government apparatus against illegal mining

The president met with ministers a year after the humanitarian crisis in the Yanomami indigenous territory came to light.

Rios contaminados têm coloração e margem afetados pela atuação de garimpo ilegal na região do Surucucu, dentro da Terra Indígena Yanomami, Oeste de Roraima, avistados em sobrevoo da Força Aéra Brasileira para lançamendo de suprimentos.

Brazil extends authorization for use of Yanomami airspace until May

Flight corridors were opened to allow non-indigenous people to leave illegal mining areas by air. They were to be suspended today, but the authorization has been extended.

Agência Brasil 30 Anos - Jogos Mundiais dos Povos Indígenas em Palmas, no Tocantins
Human Rights

Humanitarian crisis haunts Brazil’s Indigenous Struggle Day

Minister of the Indigenous Peoples Sonia Guajajara described mining in the Yanomami territory as devastating. After a night among them, she recounts what she saw.

Solenidade de transmissão de cargo a Flávio Dino como ministro da Justiça e Segurança Pública

Police operations in Yanomami indigenous territory about to start

This week, 80% the 15,000 involved in illegal mining in the northern state of Roraima are expected to leave, said Minister of Justice and Public Safety Flávio Dino.

Lançamento aéreo de suprimentos em ajuda humanitária às aldeias indígenas Yanomami na região do Surucucu, na Terra Indígena Yanomami, Oeste de Roraima, em paraquedas a partir do cargueiro KC-390 da Força Aérea Brasileira.
Human Rights

Brazil Air Force releases food and medicine to Yanomami Indians

The region is one of the hardest hit by the effects of illegal mining, which has aggravated the indigenous people's illnesses and also increased violence.