Últimas notícias Ibama


Brazil has lost 34 mi of the 82.6 mi hectares of caatinga

The president of the national environmental authority Ibama, Rodrigo Agostinho, spoke during a scientific seminar on the biome, attended by Minister for the Environment and Climate Change Marina Silva.

14/06/2023 - Amazonas - A Polícia Federal e o ICMBIO realizam nesta semana a Operação ''Overflight''. Os trabalhos visam à repressão ao desmatamento ilegal, à extração irregular de madeira e à invasão de terras públicas no interior da Floresta Nacional do Iquiri - FLONA IQUIRI. Foto: Polícia Federal/Gov.Br

Annual deforestation in the Amazon down 22.3%

Deforestation in the Legal Amazon from August 2022 to July 2023 reached 9,001 km² from the previous year (2021/2022). The data show the best result since 2019

PF prende no Maranhão suspeitos de desviar verbas do orçamento secreto

Brazilian Federal Police fight mercury smuggling

Today's operation aims to deepen the investigation, seeking evidence of how this scheme operated and the involvement of individuals

Brasília (DF) 29/08/2023 Ministro de Minas e Energia, Alexandre Silveira, e o diretor-geral do Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico (ONS), Luiz Carlos Ciocchi, participam de audiência conjunta  das comissões de Fiscalização Financeira.
Foto: Lula Marques/Agência Brasil

Gov’t wants quick license for drilling at mouth of Amazon river

Minister of Mines and Energy Alexandre Silveira urged national environment authority Ibama to speed up the granting of licenses for state-run oil giant Petrobras. The Equatorial Margin region, in Amapá state, is said to have great oil potential.

Brasília (DF) 23/08/2023 Ministra do Meio Ambiente e Mudança do Clima, Marina Silva, fala na Comissão do Meio Ambiente do Senado durante audiência pública. Foto Lula Marques/ Agência Brasil

Brazilian government opposes oil exploration at Amazon's mouth

The Federal Attorney General's Office asserts that the absence of the Sedimentary Area Environmental Assessment document should not hinder the licensing process.