Últimas notícias inequality

São Paulo (SP) - ESPECIAL - Ação do Coletivo Banquetaço em 27 de fevereiro na cidade de Mauá, na Grande São Paul - Foto: Coletivo Banquetaço/Divulgação
Human Rights

Food insecurity in Brazil higher for black women

Among the positive data, figures reveal there was a 40 percent decline in the proportion of people in extreme poverty. The biggest reduction was among black women.

Brasília(DF), 23/01/2024 - O ministro da Fazenda, Fernando Haddad, fala sobre o programa Regime Tributário para Incentivo à Modernização e à Ampliação da Estrutura Portuária (Reporto). Foto:Wilson Dias/Agência Brasil

Brazil calls for taxing super-rich globally

Finance Minister Haddad highlighted addressing inequality and climate change as the primary challenges to be collectively tackled by the countries comprising the G20.


Inequality: 10% of taxpayers concentrate 51% of income in Brazil

Brazilians are required to file income tax returns if they earned at least BRL 28,559.70 in taxable income or BRL 142,798.50 in gross income from rural activities.

Brasília (DF), 20/10/2023 - O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva e a primeira-dama, Janja Lula da Silva, participam, por videoconferência, de cerimônia comemorativa dos 20 anos de criação do programa Bolsa Família, no Ministério do Desenvolvimento e Assistência Social, Família e Combate à Fome (MDS). Foto: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil
Human Rights

Cash transfer program Bolsa Família turns 20, reaches 21 mi families

The initiative was created in 2003, during President Lula’s first term in office, and combines a set of public policies and facilitates families’ access to basic rights, such as health, education, and welfare.

Nova York, EUA, 19.09.2023 - Presidente Lula discursa na abertura do Debate Geral da 78º Sessão da Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas, em Nova York. Foto: Ricardo Stuckert/PR

Lula says 2030 Agenda may be UN’s “biggest failure”

Opening the general debate of heads of state at the 78th UN General Assembly in New York, he said that inequality is the main challenge facing humanity, and, in order to overcome it, “hunger, poverty, war, disrespect for human beings” should inspire indignation among leaders.