Últimas notícias internet

Rio de Janeiro (RJ), 30/07/2023 - IX Marcha das Mulheres Negras do Rio de Janeiro, na praia de Copacabana, zona sul da cidade. Foto:Tânia Rêgo/Agência Brasil
Human Rights

In Brazil, women are victims in six out of ten cases of racism online

An unprecedented study by the Bahia School of Law, the Jus Brasil legal portal, and the UNDP looked at 107 lower court rulings from 2010 to 2022 involving offenses against black people on social media.

Brasília (DF), 25.10.2023 - O Ministério das Mulheres lança a iniciativa Brasil sem Misoginia. A ação conta com o apoio da Secretaria de Estado da Mulher do Governo do Distrito Federal, da Caixa Econômica Federal e da ONU Mulheres. Foto: Claudio Kbene/PR
Human Rights

Brazil launches national campaign against misogyny

The campaign will develop actions together with Google, Facebook, Meta, and YouTube to combat hate speech and the dissemination of false photos of women on social media.

Antenas de transmissão para celulares. Telefonia 5G.

Brazil operators given another 60 days for 5G implementation

The decision by telecom authority ANATEL was motivated by the impossibility of delivering the equipment as a result of restrictions caused by the pandemic in China.

Antenas de transmissão para celulares. Telefonia 5G.

Market for 5G solutions in Brazil to reach BRL 101 billion

With its implementation, countless possibilities are expected to be opened in areas such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and logistics, among others.


Agreement between MEC and Fundação BB will bring internet to public schools

Technical cooperation agreement signed this Tuesday between the Ministry of Education and the Banco do Brasil Foundation will benefit 500 public schools with low connectivity