Últimas notícias Ipea

Rio de Janeiro (RJ), 28/07/2024 - 10ª Marcha das Mulheres Negras do RJ.  Mulheres negras marcham contra o racismo e pelo bem viver, na praia de  Copacabana, zona sul da cidade. Foto: Tânia Rêgo/Agência Brasil

Black economic empowerment would increase GDP, say experts

“Without solving the racial problem, we won’t realize Brazil’s immense economic potential,” said José Henriques Júnior, coordinator of the G20 Finance Track.

São Paulo - Anderson que está em situação de rua, na Praça da Sé, região central, enfrentou temperatura de 0°C. Foi a madrugada mais fria dos últimos 12 anos (Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil)

Unemployment, family conflicts affect homeless population

The causes for homelessness can be organized into three dimensions: economic exclusion, weakened or broken social and family ties, and health problems.

Pobreza e desemprego na América Latina  dificultam efetivação da Agenda 2030

Percentage of Brazil families in extreme poverty to fall in 2022

The percentage of families living in extreme poverty should sink to 4.1 percent by the end of 2022. In 2019, families in these conditions amounted to 5.1 percent of all Brazilian households.

Colheita de soja, grãos de soja

Brazil foreign trade in agribusiness sees $9.3 bi surplus in February

Ten of the fifteen products monitored by IPEA’s economic staff were also seen to rise in the amount exported, not to mention an increase in the value of most commodities sold overseas.

Indústria Wirth Calçados
Dois Irmãos (RS) 14.04.2006 - Foto: Miguel Ângelo

Brazil revises growth in 2021 GDP forecast to 4.5%

Three sectors in the economy had their predicted growth revised. Industry should increase 4.9 percent in 2021; services 4.5 percent. Agriculture saw its expansion altered from 1.2 to a 1.2 percent decline.