Últimas notícias languages

Brasília (DF - Caminhos da Reportagem Yanomami - O Direito de Existir - Mulheres indígenas yanomami. - Foto: TV Brasil/Divulgação

Amazonas state now has 17 official languages

The sanctioning of the law followed the launch of the first Federal Constitution translated into Nheengatu, the only language descended from ancient Tupi and still alive.

Sala de aula

World Portuguese language day, May 5

“There comes the machimbombo,” someone tells you in Mozambique. In Angola, you may hear the autocarro is nearly there. Machimbombo and autocarro are the same thing.

© Acnur/Omotola Akindipe

Falado em cinco países africanos, no Brasil, Portugal e Timor-Leste, o português tem ainda milhões de falantes em países como Estados Unidos, França e África do Sul, que concentram grandes diásporas lusófonas.

Africa to have majority of Portuguese speakers by century’s end

Boasting a population of around 210 million—the largest among the member countries of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries, or CPLP—Brazil is the nation with the highest number of speakers of Portuguese today.