Últimas notícias Lula

Santiago (Chile) 05.08.2024 - Presidente da República, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva e o ao lado do Presidente do Chile, Gabriel Boric, posam para fotografia oficial, no Salão Azul do Palácio de La Moneda. Santiago - Chile.

Foto: Ricardo Stuckert / PR

Brazil, Chile sign 19 bilateral acts

The agreements and bilateral acts include several areas such as tourism, science and technology, defense, agriculture, human rights, trade, and investment relations.

Palácio do Itamaraty na Esplanada dos Ministérios

Lula's trip to Chile to focus on diversifying partnerships

In addition to ministers and other officials, approximately 200 Brazilian business leaders are expected to be in Santiago to attend the Chile-Brazil Business Forum.

Brasília (DF) 28/07/2024 - Pronunciamento à nação - Presidente Lula faz pronunciamento em cadeia nacional de rádio e televisão.
Frame Canal GOV

“The world believes in Brazil again,” says Lula

Lula reviewed his first year and a half in office, highlighting economic and social achievements and emphasizing Brazil’s reentry into the international arena.

Palestina- 13/07/2024 Acampamento na área de Al-Mawasi em Khan Younis, Gaza, após ataque israelense Pelo menos 71 palestinos morrem, dizem autoridades de Gaza, em ataque de Israel contra chefe militar do Hamas
REUTERS/Mohammed Salem

Lula asserts Israel persists in sabotaging Middle East peace process

Lula finds it "appalling" that the Palestinian people continue to face collective punishment, even within delimited humanitarian zones that are supposed to be protected.

Santa Fé - Argentina, Mercosul

President Lula attends Mercosur Summit in Asunción, Paraguay

Agreements are expected to be reached on investments in the Jirau Hydroelectric Power Plant near the Bolivian-Brazilian border and the prevention of natural disasters.