Últimas notícias Madeira river

Seca no Amazonas - A crise hídrica reduziu drasticamente o volume dos rios na região Norte, causando forte seca em toda a região amazônica, como no Rio Madeira - Foto: Defesa Civil/Porto Velho

Madeira River falls to 71 cm, below minimum level of 2023

Geological Service of Brazil hydrologist Guilherme Cardoso highlights that the primary concern currently is the extended drought period, similar to what occurred in 2023.

Seca no Amazonas - A crise hídrica reduziu drasticamente o volume dos rios na região Norte, causando forte seca em toda a região amazônica, como no Rio Madeira - Foto: Defesa Civil/Porto Velho

Amazon: Madeira River drops 35 cm to reach record low

The river's level drop is due to below-average rainfall from November last year to April this year, which is typically the rainy season for the region.

03/09/2023 - PF inutiliza 302 balsas de garimpo ilegal em operação no Amazonas. Foto: Polícia Federal/Divulgação

Federal police burn 302 illegal mining rafts in the Amazon

Supported by the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA), this operation covered 1,500 kilometers of the Madeira River.

Cheia no Rio Madeira

Brazil's and Bolivia's foreign ministers to discuss Madeira river overflow

Bolivian Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca has announced a meeting with Brazil's Luiz Alberto Figueiredo on April 7 to discuss the Madeira river overflow and the controversy over the role the Santo Antônio and Jirau hydroelectric plants may have played on floods in the Boliv