In May, after heavy rains brought floods and destruction to Rio Grande do Sul state, specialists from the Federal University of Santa Maria found an almost complete fossil of a dinosaur estimated to be 233 mi years old.
They are the remnants of animals and plants who lived in the Northeast over 110 mi years ago. The articles were donated to the museum, currently under reconstruction after the 2018 fire, by the family of collector Burkart Pohl, of the Swiss-German group Interprospekt.
Scientific Reports has published an article revealing the Meilifeilong youhao, of the Chaoyangopteridae group. It lived in northeastern China during the Cretaceous period. The text was written by 14 Chinese and Brazilian researchers, representing nine institutions.
The specimen, said to have lived 110 mi years ago, is the first of its kind found in Latin America and the oldest in the Araripe basin, on the border between the states of Ceará, Piauí, and Pernambuco, in the Northeast.
The illustrations readers have an ideal what the animals must have looked like. Included in addition to the names of each dinosaur, are the age, the location where their fossils were found.