Últimas notícias prison population

Milicianos presos no Rio (Polícia Civil/Divulgação)
Human Rights

Incarcerated black population sees highest level in record

The 2022 yearbook of the Brazilian Forum on Public Security registered 442,033 black people incarcerated in the country—68.2% of the total prison population.

O ministro da Justiça, José Eduardo Cardozo, apresenta o novo relatório Levantamento Nacional de Informações Penitenciárias. À direita, o diretor-geral do Depen, Renato De Vitto (Antonio Cruz/Agência Brasil)

Lower liability age could worsen prison conditions

Justice Minister José Eduardo Cardoso said Tuesday (June 23) during the launch event for the National Survey of Prison Data that lowering the age of criminal responsibility in Brazil will make the prison system condition even worse.