Últimas notícias prison system

Milicianos presos no Rio (Polícia Civil/Divulgação)
Human Rights

Incarcerated black population sees highest level in record

The 2022 yearbook of the Brazilian Forum on Public Security registered 442,033 black people incarcerated in the country—68.2% of the total prison population.

Tortura/dedos quebrados - Em relatório sobre missão ao estado do Ceará, imagem mostra mãos de diferentes presos com indícios de traumatismo nos dedos. Foto: Acervo do MNPCT (2019)
Human Rights

Finger crushing reported in prisons across five Brazilian states

The torture practice was perpetrated and disseminated for years by agents from a federal task force in a number of states in the North and Northeast.

Ministra Rosa Weber durante sessão extraordinária do STF.
Human Rights

Top court head inspects “overcrowded, violence-ridden” jail in Recife

In 2018, the Inter-American Court stipulated that Brazil should make up for the degrading conditions at the complex by reworking the calculation of inmates’ jail time.

Brasília - Entrevista coletiva do senador Aécio Neves, após encontro com o presidente Michel Temer  (Valter Campanato/Agência Brasil)

Brazil senator advocates privatising Brazil's prisons

Brazil's Senator Aécio Neves has suggested that President Michel Temer adopt public-private partnerships (PPP) to run its prisons as part of the solution to Brazil's prison crisis.