Últimas notícias public policies

Demonstração de software que o Disque Denúncia passa a utilizar em parceria com The Staff of Security, em que compartilha seu banco de dados de foragidos da justiça com câmeras de segurança que utilizam sistema de reconhecimento facial.

Over 47 mi may be under facial recognition surveillance in Brazil

At least 165 video surveillance projects with facial recognition are reported to be underway across the country. In the Southeast, 21.7 mi people are subject to this technology, compared to 14.1 mi in the Northeast.

Rio de Janeiro (RJ), 05/12/2023 - Cerimônia de encerramento da Cúpula Social do Mercosul, no Museu do Amanhã, zona portuária do Rio. Foto: Tânia Rêgo/Agência Brasil

In letter to Mercosur leaders, activists call for leading role

A letter was read at the end of the Social Summit in Rio, highlighting the defense and strengthening of democracy, regional integration, respect for minorities, the fight against discrimination, sustainable development, environmental preservation, family farming, and the fight against hunger.

Conta de energia elétrica

Electricity subsidies paid by Brazilians total BRL 26.8 bi this year

The value is equivalent to 12% of the average amount paid by households. The costs paid by consumers are now listed on the portal of the national electricity authority.

Médicos e advogados dão orientação gratuita a mulheres

Women call for public policies aimed at meeting post-pandemic demands

On International Women's Day, celebrated today, Agência Brasil talked to women who work to fight inequalities and support their local communities.