Últimas notícias race

Rio de Janeiro (RJ), 30/07/2023 - IX Marcha das Mulheres Negras do Rio de Janeiro, na praia de Copacabana, zona sul da cidade. Foto:Tânia Rêgo/Agência Brasil
Human Rights

In Brazil, women are victims in six out of ten cases of racism online

An unprecedented study by the Bahia School of Law, the Jus Brasil legal portal, and the UNDP looked at 107 lower court rulings from 2010 to 2022 involving offenses against black people on social media.

As enfermeiras ouvem orientações para participar da vacinação contra a gripe, conforme recomendado pelas autoridades de saúde para facilitar o diagnóstico de coronavírus, em meio ao surto de doença por coronavírus (COVID-19),

Brazilian health system to promote gender and race equity

The program seeks to modify "macho and racist structures that operate in the division of labor" and fight various forms of violence related to work in health system.

São Paulo - 92ª Corrida Internacional de São Silvestre, na Avenida Paulista, região central.

Saint Silvester Road Race: more than 32 thousand athletes enrolled

Last time Brazil reached the top of the race was in 2010, with Marilson Gomes dos Santos’ victory. And in the women's category, it was in 2006, with Lucélia Peres.

Movimentação de pessoas nas ruas do centro da cidade.

Brazilian whites earn 75.7% more than blacks: 2021 survey

The official survey also found that joblessness has hit whites less severely, adding that inequality is stark even among people with a university degree.

Em dia de forte calor, ambulantes vendem água no centro da cidade.

Blacks make up majority of Brazil’s unemployed and informal workers

Brazil’s black population (brown people included) make up the majority of unemployed (64.2%) or subutilized (66.1%) workers, according to the report Desigualdades sociais por cor ou raça no Brasil (“Color- and Race-based Social Inequalities in Brazil”), released today by the g