Últimas notícias religious intolerance

Mãe Bernadete
Human Rights

Quilombo leader Mãe Bernadete shot dead six years after son was killed

She was the leader of the quilombo Pitanga dos Palmares, a priestess of the Afro-Brazilian religion Candomblé, and the former Secretary for Racial Equality of Simões Filho, in Bahia state. Her community in Bahia is home to 289 families across 854 hectares.

2º Procissão do Zé Pelintra saindo do santuário nos Arcos da Lapa e finalizando na Cinelândia, no centro da cidade, com um ato contra a intolerância religiosa.

Report registers increase in cases of religious intolerance in Brazil

The National Day Against Religious Intolerance, celebrated on January 21, was introduced in Brazil by federal law in 2007. In 2021, 244 intolerance cases were reported.

Participantes da 15ª Caminhada em Defesa da Liberdade Religiosa, em Copacabana.

Members of several religions rally against intolerance in Rio

The 15th edition of the Walk in Defense of Religious Freedom was staged in Copacabana on Sunday with the motto “Religious freedom: I have faith in it.”