Últimas notícias sexual harassment

Rio de Janeiro (RJ), 25/07/2024 – A ministra da Igualdade Racial, Anielle Franco durante encontro Estratégico de Combate à Fome no estado do Rio de Janeiro, no Palácio Guanabara, na capital fluminense. Foto: Tomaz Silva/Agência Brasil

“It’s unacceptable to downplay acts of violence,” says victim minister

The minister’s statement followed the dismissal of Human Rights Minister Silvio Almeida by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, after allegations of sexual harassment.

Brasília - Bloco de Carnaval, Eduardo e Mônica
Human Rights

Government plans efforts to protect women during Carnival

Efforts include the No Means No protocol wherever alcohol is sold, which seeks to enforce women’s right to be taken away from aggressors and be protected by people of their choice while in the establishment or as they wait for transportation.

Presidente Lula aprova parecer da AGU que prevê demissão a servidor público federal que praticar assédio sexual. Na foto, advogado-geral da União, Jorge Messias; presidente Lula; ministra das Mulheres, Cida Gonçalves; e ministra da Gestão, Esther Dweck.

Attorney General's Office supports dismissal for sexual harassment

The legal advice explicitly declares that sexual harassment now warrants dismissal, the most severe penalty under the existing law governing federal civil servants.


Brazil launches campaign against sexual harassment of women

With the motto “Tourism respects women,” the initiative comes after an episode in which US tourists went to a São Paulo party organized by dating coaches hired to help them meet Brazilian women. The case has been brought under scrutiny by the police.

Secretária Especial de Produtividade e Competitividade, Daniella Marques Consentino, é a entrevistada no programa A Voz do Brasil

New CEO of Brazil state lender Caixa appointed

Daniella Marques Consentino, special secretary for Productivity and Competitiveness at Brazil’s Ministry of Economy, comes to replace Pedro Guimarães.